Monday, September 14, 2015

Deadeye Slim: Figure 170 of 265

This week I ended up being very busy, so I chose the simple Deadeye Slim figure from the Chronoscope Set to paint.
       I prepped the figure in the usual way; soaking it in a dish of water with a couple drops of dish- soap added, then giving it a light scrub with a soft toothbrush, and then rinsing and drying.   I then glued the figure to a 1" black-primed fender washer with Aleene's Tacky glue, and glued the washer to a tongue depressor with a couple drops of Elmer's White Glue.
      I began by painting his coat, hat, pants, shoes and belt all Black.  I then drybrushed all the Black with Duncan "Salem Blue".    Then I painted his shirt with Folk Art "Porcelain White"
      Next, I painted his head and hands with Americana "Shading Flesh". I then painted his pistol grips with Americana "Asphaltum".  After they had time to dry, I washed his head and hands with Winsor Newton "Peat Brown" Ink using a wet brush.
      When the wash was dry, I painted his hair, mustache, and eyepatch all Black.  I then painted his  other eye, followed with adding some grey highlights to his hair and mustache with Folk Art "Dark Grey". I then highlighted his skin with a mix of the "Shading Flesh" and some Crafters Acrylic "Flesh". Then I moved to his shirt, highlighting that with plain "White".  I painted the metal parts of his pistols with Accent "Princely Pewter". I then painted the belt buckles with Ceramcoat "Metallic Pewter", and then used this color to add highlights to the guns' metal parts.  Lastly, I painted the bullets in his holster belt with  Ceramcoat "14K Gold".  I wrapped up by painting the white base with Ceramcoat "Walnut".
     After the figure had the afternoon to dry, I gave it a coat of Ceramcoat "Matte Varnish" in the evening.  The next morning I flocked the base, using both a sand mixture and regular green flock; and later that afternoon I sprayed the figure with Testor's Dullcote.
    I'm pleased with how he turned out.  Sometimes the simple path is the most effective. :)

Figure 170 of 265: Complete


  1. Ironically I have just finished this guy and the cowgirl this week myself. I haven't gotten around to taking photos yet. I also went with black jacket and tan shirt, but opted for grey pants and trim on the jacket.

    1. I like the idea of doing the pants grey. It would make a nice contrast to all the black.
