Monday, December 9, 2019

Bergamot, Halfling Scout: Bones 4 Dreadmere Figure

    This past week I painted Bergamot, Halfling Scout, from the Bones 4 Dreadmere Expansion.
    I prepped the figure in the usual way, soaking it in a dish of water with a couple drops of dish-soap added, then giving it a light scrub with a soft toothbrush, and then rinsing and drying it.  I then glued the figure to a black-primed 1" fender washer with Aleene's Tacky glue, and then placed the figure in my painting grip.
    I began by painting his face and feet with Reaper MSP "Rosy Flesh" before I realized I hadn't taken a beginning "blank canvas" photo.
      I then painted his pants Accent "Real Umber", and his shirt with Apple Barrel "Lemon Chiffon".  I wasn't sure about the pleats in his pants and whether they were supposed to be armor...they looked like armor, but I thought it odd for him to just be wearing leg armor. For the time being I painted them like some sort of fancy pants. :)  I also painted his vest with Pathfinder MSP "Urgathoa Red"
      Next, I painted his cape with Ceramcoat "Territorial Beige", and his hair (head and feet) with Americana "Asphaltum".  After that, I painted his sword belt with Americana "Light Cinnamon", and his gauntlet with Americana "Faun".
      I then painted the scabbard with Americana "Cranberry Wine", and the metal fittings on it and the belt with Americana "Zinc".   After that, I painted the lamp with Accent "Golden Oxide", and the grip on the sword with Americana "Raw Umber".
     Next, I pained the metal parts of the sword and belt with Folk Art Metallics "Gunmetal Grey", and the lamp and vest buttons with Folk Art "Brushed Metal "Brushed Bronze". I let the paint dry for a while, and then I began with the washes.  First I applied a coat of Citadel "Reikland Feleshade" wash to the face and feet.  When that was dry, I applied Citadel "Agrax Earthshade" to the rest of the figure.
     When all the washes were dry, I began work on the face, painting the eyes and then highlighting all the skin with Reaper MSP "Rosy Highlight".  After that I highlighted the hair with Americana "Sable Brown", and then a little of the "Faun".
     I then highlighted his cape using first Folk Art "Butter Pecan", and then mixing in a little Americana "Bleached Sand" in to the ""Butter Pecan".  I then used the "Bleached Sand" to highlight his gauntlet.  After that, I highlighted his shirt with the base "Lemon Chiffon", and I highlighted his vest and the scabbard with some Americana "Burgundy Wine", mixd with a hint of Crafter's Acrylic "Tutti Frutti".
     Next, I highlighted his pants with some Nicole's "Brown", and his belt with the "Sable Brown".  I then I turned to the lamp.   I first painted the openings with Reaper MSP "Clear Yellow", then placed an area of the "Lemon Chiffon" in each opening followed by a dot of Americana "Snow White".   I then worked on the metals, highlighting the frame of the lamp, and his vest buttons with Ceramcoat "Wedding Gold"; and afterwards, highlighting the sword fittings and leg armor with Citadel "Mithril Silver".  Lastly, I painted the base with Americana "Mississippi Mud".
      I let the figure dry overnight and the next day I gave it a coat of Americana "DuraClear Matte" varnish.    Then, when  the varnish was dry, I used some white glue to flock the base.  Another overnight dry, and I sprayed it with Testor's "Dullcote". 

     I'm very happy with how this fellow turned out. He's a great little figure and full of character.


  1. Late reply (: but good work. Was stuck on a color scheme, so stole yours! (: ced1106 on the Reaper forums with the dog avatar, mostly on the KS forums.

    1. No worries! Glad to hear the blog is still being used as an inspiration resource. I had hoped it would. :) I haven't been around the forums much lately. I kind of drifted away once I stopped my regular Bones painting. :(
