Monday, February 5, 2018

Dingo, Halfling Rogue: Bones 3 Figure

   I continued to work on my Halfling Crew this week, and Painted Dingo, Halfling Rogue, from the Bones 3 Core set.    I was a bit surprised as I studied this figure to see that it is the same base figure as Woody Stumpwimple, Halfling Ranger, that I painted last week; with the both the torso and legs being exactly the same.   I wonder how often Reaper does this kind of reuse with figure bodies?
        I prepped the figure in the usual way; soaking it in a dish of water with a couple drops of dish-soap added, then giving it a light scrub with a soft toothbrush, and then rinsing and drying it.    I then glued the figure to a black-primed 7/8" fender washer with Aleene's Tacky glue.   And, when the glue was dry,  I put it in my Citadel painting grip.
      I began by giving the figure a thinned wash of Reaper MSP "Brown Liner".  When the wash was dry, I painted the lower armor with Black, and when the Black was dry, I drybrushed it with Folk Art Metallics "Gunmetal Grey".  I then painted his (or her?  I'm not sure!) face, feet, and hands with Reaper MSP "Tanned Skin."
     Next, I painted the shirt with Accent "Golden Harvest", and then the torso armor, and wrist guards with Americana "Asphaltum".   I then painted the sash with Ceramcoat "Black Cherry", and his/her hair with Americana "Terra Cotta".
     Next, I worked on all the stuff the figure is carrying.  I realized at this point the figure was carrying a bow and quiver (A rogue?), so I carefully cut off the fletchings on the quiver, and tried to make it look like some sort of long thin case.  I also lopped the end off the bow, and figured I treat the lower half of the bow case as his/her scabbard.   I then painted the backpack with Accent "Real Umber", and the blanket roll with Folk Art Dapple Grey".  After that, I painted the ex-quiver with Reaper MSP "Turkey Brown", and the canteen with Crafter's Edition "Spice Brown".  Where I cut away the fletchings and there was little lumpy spot left, I just covered it with some Americana "Mississippi Mud".   I then painted the "scabbard" with the Black Cherry", and then painted the sword and the metal bits on the scabbard with Americana "Zinc".
        Then, after everything had a while to dry, I gave his body a wash with  Citadel "Agrax Earthshade" wash, and the face hands, and legs a wash with Citadel "Reikland Fleshshade" wash.   When the washes were dry, I painted his eyes, and then highlighted the face with Reaper MSP "Tanned Highlight", then did some further detial highlights by adding a little White to the "Tanned Highlight".  Next, I highlighted his/her hair with some Accent "Golden Oxide", and then mixed a little Ceramcoat "Maple Syrup Tan" to do lighter highlights.
       Next, I highlighted his shirt with Crafter's Acrylic "Bright Yellow", and his sash with Folk Art "Burgundy".   I then highlighted his leather armor with the Accent "Golden Oxide", and his belts and backpack with the "Mississippi Mud".  After that, I highlighted his blanket roll with Folk Art "Gray Green",  and his ex-quiver and canteen with Americana "Sable Brown".   I then painted the sword, scabbard fittings, and the small oval plate on his/her chest with the "Gunmetal Grey", and when dry, highlighted it with  Ceramcoat "Metallic Silver".
     Lastly, I painted the figure's base with Ceramcoat "Walnut".
     I let the figure dry overnight and the next day I gave it a coat of Americana "DuraClear Matte" varnish.    Then, when  the varnish was dry, I used some white glue to flock the base.  Another overnight dry, and I sprayed it with Testor's Dullcote".

    I'm happy with how this Halfling turned out.  I think he'll make a good edition to my Halfsized-Heroes Crew.


  1. Huh! Wierd, I never noticed that Reaper repeats miniatures in this way. I might have to look into that (if time allows). But I think you managed to distinguish the two well enough by color choice alone.

    1. Thanks, XarfaiEngel! I should probably take a photo of the two side by side.

  2. Awesome job on making the jumble of stuff on her back nice and coherent. That is very difficult to do without looking either bland or to cluttered. well done

    1. Thank you, Xodeus Gaming! Yes, jumbles of "stuff" like that on figures often give me fits as I try to figure out what everything is, but I have to say the items on this one were well sculpted and easy to discern, making painting a lot easier..
