Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Halloween Scenery at the Dollar Tree Stores

I don't usually stray from Bones stuff on this blog, but since I know a lot of you will be using your figures for gaming, and appreciate a bargain in scenery suitable for Fantasy or Horror games, I'd share this information with you all.   Going by a tip I read on The Minaitures Page, I headed over to my local Dollar Tree store to see their new Tombstone Corner line of scenic decorations.  This line is very similar to their Christmas village line of buildings, figures, and scenic accessories.
   I was pleasantly surprised to find some useful stuff.  The buildings are great, and nicely don't have any of the snow glopped all over them like these decorative plaster buildings so often do.  I didn't buy any, as their size is perfect for 15mm figures which I don't game with.   You can see a picture of them at the link above.
I did however find a nice set of gargoyles,  bare trees, a spooky gate, a mausoleum, and a bone gazebo; all of which I think will go super with 28mm.  In the photo below these items are shown with a 28mm Reaper Bones Wizard.
  There were some other scenic items in the store, but I felt they were scaled to big for use with 25/28mm figures.


  1. Man this is what I miss here in gaming goodies from a dollar store!

    1. I don't know if the exchange rate makes it financially sound, but apparently they are selling a set on the Dollar Tree website:

      It has some unusable stuff in the set, but it looks like you do get most of the pieces I got.

  2. Thanks for the tip, but with the shipping cost, they will not be cheap anymore.

    I'll try again to find something at the 1 Euro stores...
