Thursday, January 11, 2018

Lindir, Elf Archer

     I'm posting a bonus figure this week as I rush to get my crew completed for the inaugural game of this year's Ghost Archipelago campaign, which takes place this Saturday.  I painted Lindir, Elf Archer, to be the second Archer in my Ghost Archipelago Warband.  I don't think he was ever part of one of the Bones Kickstarters, so I ordered him directly from Reaper.
        I prepped the figure in the usual way; soaking it in a dish of water with a couple drops of dish-soap added, then giving it a light scrub with a soft toothbrush, and then rinsing and drying it.    I then glued the figure to a black-primed 1" fender washer with Aleene's Tacky glue, and then glued the washer-mounted figure to a tongue depressor with a couple drops of the Elmer's glue.
     I began by giving the figure a wash with thinned Reaper MSP "Brown Liner".   I then painted the face and hands with Crafter's Acrylic "Flesh". Next, I painted his tunic with Folk Art "Teddy BEar Brown", and his pants with Accent "Golden Harvest".  After that, I painted the little diamond of under shirt, that shows at the front of the tunic, with Americana "Bleached Sand".
     I then painted his boots, wrist guards, and shoulder armor with Crafter's Acrylic "Cinnamon Brown", and the decorations on his tunic and his sash with Crafter's Acrylic "Holiday Green". After that, I painted his bow with Folk Art "Grey Green", his scabbard and quiver with Vallejo "Brown Violet", and his hair with Americana "Antique White".
     Next, I painted the decroations on his quiver and scabbard, as well as the fittings on his bow, with Ceramcoat "Raw Sienna".  I then painted the fletchings with Americana "Dove Grey", and the grip on the sword and bow with Americana "Mississippi Mud".  I also painted a little area between the sword grip and the end, and the grip and the sheath, with Americana Zinc.
     When everything had a while to dry, I gave the entire figure a wash with Citadel "Agrax Earthshade" wash.  When the wash was dry, I painted his eyes; and then highlighted his face and hands with the base "Flesh", and then a little of the "Flesh" mixed with a bit of White.  After that, I highlighted his hair with Apple Barrel "Lemon Chiffon", and then a little of the "Bleached Sand".
    Next, I highlighted his tunic with Reaper MSP "Tanned Shadow", and then highlighted his pants with a mix of the base "Golden Harvest" and some Americana "Buttermilk".  I then did the highlights on his boots, wrist guards, and shoulder armor, with Crafter's Edition "Spice Brown".  After that, I highlighted the trim on his tunic with a mix of the base "Holiday Green" with some Crafter's Acrylic "Wild Green", and did the highlights on little diamond of under shirt using Crafter's Acrylic "Light Antique White".  I next did highlights on his bow with the base "Grey Green", and then highlighted his scabbard and quiver with Americana "Avocado".  I highlighted the fletchings with White, and the grips on the sword and bow with Americana "Khaki Tan".  I then turned to all the metal parts, highlighting them with Ceramcoat "14K Gold".
     Lastly, I painted the base with Americana "Raw Umber".
     I let the figure dry overnight and the next day I gave it a coat of Americana "DuraClear Matte" varnish.    Then, when  the varnish was dry, I used some white glue to flock the base.  Another overnight dry, and I sprayed it with Testor's Dullcote".

     I'm really happy how this figure turned out.  I like it's elegant simplicity; just how I would imagine a down-to-business Elf archer.


  1. ...and a gold investor. Nice job.

  2. Looks cool - I like the differnt warm shades of bown you got on the tunic there.
    Funny that he's called Lindir - that's a name from Tolkien, so that I decived you had taken up the Middle Earth Stategy Battle Game.

    1. Thanks, XarfaiEngel! No; sorry to disappoint! Interesting that Reaper used the name...

  3. A bonus figure! How nice for us... and that's an elf archer for sure.

    1. I'm always to glad to make my readers happy! :)
