Monday, January 11, 2021

Dreadmere Hag: Bones 4 Dreadmere Figure

  This past week I painted the "Dreadmere Hag" from the Bones 4 Dreadmere Expansion.    
      I prepped the figure in the usual way, soaking it in a dish of water with a couple drops of dish-soap added, then giving it a light scrub with a soft toothbrush, and then rinsing and drying it.  I then glued the figure to a brown-primed 1" fender washer with Aleene's Tacky glue.  I then placed the figure in my painting grip.
     I began by painting her face, arms, and hands with Reaper MSP "Tanned Skin", and then painted her dress with Ceramcoat "Charcoal".  After that, I painted her shawl with Reaper MSP "Alien Flesh", and her kerchief with Apple Barrel "Lemon Chiffon".
     Next, I painted her apron with Reaper MSP "Graveyard Bone", and her over apron with Folk Art "Porcelain White".  I then did her hand rag with Folk Art "Barn Wood", and the knife holder with Reaper MSP "Shield Brown". 
     I then painted the broom handle with Americana "Mississippi Mud" , and the broom head with Americana "Antique White".  After that, I painted the bindings on the broom head with Ceramcoat "Territorial Beige", and then painted the knife handles, and the wrist bands on her right arm, with Americana "Asphaltum". 
     Next, I painted her hair with Folk Art "Medium Grey" and then let the figure dry for a while.  When I returned to it, I gave her face, arms, and hands, as well as the broom, a coat of Citadel "Agrax Earthshde" wash.  I let that dry, and then gave her entire body a coat of Citadel "Nuln Oil" wash.  When the washes were dry, I painted her eyes, and then highlighted her face, arms, and hands, with the base "Tanned Skin" and Reaper MSP Tanned Highlight".
     I then highlighted her dress with Americana "Zinc", and her shawl with the base "Alien Flesh".  I followed that with highlighting her hair with Crafter's Acrylic "Storm Cloud Grey",  and then highlighting her kerchief with the base "Lemon Chiffon" and some Ceramcoat "White". 
     Next, I highlighted her apron with Folk Art "Platinum Grey", and her over-apron with the base "Porcelain White".  I then highlighted her rag with the base "Barn Wood", and the knife case with Americana Sable Brown".  After that, I highlighted the knife handles with Crafter's Acrylic "Cinnamon Brown", and her wrist bands with Reaper MSP HD "Golden Brown".  I finished up with highlighting the broom, using Americana "Bleached Sand" on the head, the base "Mississippi Mud" mixed with a little of the "Barn Wood" on the handle, and the base "Territorial Beige" on the binding. Lastly, I painted the figure's base with the "Mississippi Mud".
     I let the figure dry overnight and the next day I gave it a coat of Americana "DuraClear Matte" varnish. I then used some white glue to glue some fine sand to the base.  When the sand was dry, I painted it with a coat of Americana "Charcoal Grey". When this was dry, I drybrushed the sand with the "Mississippi Mud", and then with some Apple Barrel "Rock Grey"; lastly I drybrushed it with a little Americana "Dove Grey".
      Another overnight dry, and I sprayed the figure with Testor's Dullcote".

     I'm pretty happy with this one.  The camera's light meter had a bit of difficulty with the light yellow kerchief and the black dress, wiping the kerchief of all color so it looks just bright white. It's actually a pale yellow-grey.  I love how her expression turned out!  "That was the day Granny decided those frickin' orcs had raided her village for the last time.  And with her trusty kitchen knives, put an end to their shenanigans once and for all!". 😄


  1. Ha! Granny looks like she is going to end some Orcs. I like how these figures work with quick and dirty paint jobs as well as more careful ones too.

    1. Yes, Reaper's townsfolk really are a characterful lot!

  2. She looks like she's come right out of 'American Gothic'. The muted tones on her clothing make for a believable miniature.

    1. Thanks! I tried to make her look like her clothes were all faded and old; glad you liked how it looks.
