This past week I took a break from painting my Maggotcrown unit, and painted the "Dreadmere Mercenary with Beer Mug" from the Bones 4 Dreadmere Expansion. In driving around the past weeks, I was inspired by the beautiful autumnal colors I was seeing; so I thought I'd take that mix of oranges, reds, yellows, and greens as inspirations for my color palette for this figure.
I prepped the figure in the usual way, soaking it in a dish of water with a couple drops of dish-soap added, then giving it a light scrub with a soft toothbrush, and then rinsing and drying it. I then glued the figure to a brown-primed 1" fender washer with Aleene's Tacky glue, and then placed the figure in my painting grip.
I began by painting his face and hands with Reaper MSP "Bronzed Skin", I then painted his pants with Apple Barrel "Burnt Sienna", and his tunic with Crafter's Acrylic "Orange Spice". After that, I painted his waist piece with Accent "Mustard Seed". Next, I painted his boots with Accent "Real Umber", and his boot tops with Reaper MSP "Olive Skin". After that, I painted his belts with Americana "Light Cinnamon", and his coat with Crafter's Acrylic "Forest Green".
I then painted his hair with Americana "Charcoal Grey", and his mug and sword fittings with Americana "Zinc". I then went back and repainted his mug with Accent "Princely Pewter", and the sword fittings and belt buckles with Folk Art Metallics "Gunmetal Grey". I let the figure dry for a while, and then gave his face and hands a coat of Citadel "Reikland Fleshshade" wash. When that was dry, I gave the mug a coat of Citadel "Nuln Oil" wash, and then gave his body and hair a coat with Citadel "Agrax Earthshade" wash.
When the wash was dry, I highlighted his face and hands with the base "Bronzed Skin", and Reaper MSP Bronzed Highlight". After that, I highlighted his hair with Americana "Mississippi Mud", and a little Reaper MSP "Graveyard Bone". I then highlighted his tunic with Reaper MSP "Hallowed Orange". Next, I highlighted the wrap around his waist with Apple Barrel "Apple Maple Sugar", and then highlighted his pants with a mix of the base "Burnt Sienna" and some Americana "Shading Flesh". I then highlighted his boot tops with Reaper MSP "Olive Skin Highlight", and the rest of the boot was highlighted with Folk Art "Teddy Bear Brown". After that, I highlighted his belts with Reaper MSP "Tanned Shadow", and then did the highlighting on his coat using a mix of the base "Forest Green" mixed with some Americana "Jade Green".
It was then time for the metallics, and I highlighted his sword fittings, belt buckles, and coat clasp with Ceramcoat "Metallic Silver". I followed those with highlighting the beer mug with Ceramcoat "Metallic Pewter and Nicole's "Metallic Silver". Lastly, I painted the figure's base with Americana "Mississippi Mud".
I let the figure dry overnight and the next day I gave it a coat of Americana "DuraClear Matte" varnish. I then used some white glue to glue some fine sand to the base. When the sand was dry, I painted it with a coat of Americana "Charcoal Grey". When this was dry, I drybrushed the sand with the "Mississippi Mud", and then with some Apple Barrel "Rock Grey"; lastly I drybrushed it with a little Americana "Dove Grey".
Another overnight dry, and I sprayed the figure with Testor's Dullcote".
I'm really happy with this guy. A simple figure, but like I mentioned before, I sometimes find the simple ones the most fun to work on.
Beautiful - yes, the simpler ones make for great pieces to populate the scenery.
ReplyDeleteThank you, XE!