Monday, January 13, 2020

Serena, Dreadmere Rogue: Bones 4 Dreadmere Figure

   This past week I painted Serena, Dreadmere Rogue, from the Bones 4 Dreadmere Expansion.   I prepped the figure in the usual way, soaking it in a dish of water with a couple drops of dish-soap added, then giving it a light scrub with a soft toothbrush, and then rinsing and drying it.  I then glued the figure to a black-primed 1" fender washer with Aleene's Tacky glue, and then placed the figure in my painting grip.
     I began by painting her face with Reaper MSP "Olive Skin", and then painted her arms and legs with Reaper MSP "Coal Black".  After that I painted her cape and hood with Accent "Midnight Blue".
     Next, I painted her tabard, gloves, and the blades of her weapons with Americana "Zinc".  I then painted her boots, belt, pouch, and the grips of her weapons with Ceramcoat "Black".  After that, I painted the little bags on her belt with Americana "Charcoal Grey", and then did some borders on her tabard with Reaper MSP "Fresh Blood".   I then did the rock she has her left foot on with Americana "Neutral Grey", and splotched it with a little Folk Art "Dapple Gray".
      I finished the base coating by painting the weapon blades with Folk Art  Metallics "Gunmetal Grey.  Then, after everything had a while to dry, I gave her face a coat of Citadel "Reikland Fleshshade" wash.  When that was dry, I gave the rest of the figure a coat of Citadel "Nuln Oil" Wash".  When the washes were dry, I painted her eyes, and then highlighted her face with Reaper MSP "Olive Highlight".
     Next, I highlighted her sleeves and legs with Citadel "The Fang", and highlighted her tabard and gloves with a mix of the base "Zinc" and some Americana "Grey Sky".  I then highlighted her cape with Americana "Wedgewood Blue", and highlighted the borders on her tabard with Reaper MSP "Holly Berry".
I finished up the highlights by doing her boots, belt, pouch, and grips with Folk Art "Medium Grey", and then the little bags on her belt with Americana "Mississippi Mud". I then highlighted her blades with Citadel "Mithril Silver".  Lastly, I painted the entire base with the "Mississippi Mud".
         I let the figure dry overnight and the next day I gave it a coat of Americana "DuraClear Matte" varnish.    Then, when  the varnish was dry, I used some white glue to flock the base.  Another overnight dry, and I sprayed it with Testor's "Dullcote".

     I'm really happy with this one.  The face and eyes, being mostly covered, were a challenge; but in the end I think they turned out ok.


  1. I very much like the colorsheme you got there. And the face really looks great!

  2. I think the face and eyes turned out really well, particularly considering you only have 1/3 of the face to work with!
