Monday, June 21, 2021

Female Android: Bones 4 Chronoscope Figure

    This past week I continued painting Sci-Fi for Stargrave, and painted the "Female Android" from the Bones 4 Chronoscope Expansion.  I think this figure is a pretty close match for the iconic robot "Maria" in the classic 1927 film "Metropolis".
  I prepped the figure in the usual way, soaking it in a dish of water with a couple drops of dish-soap added, then giving it a light scrub with a soft toothbrush, and then rinsing and drying it.  I then trimmed the figure's integral base a little, and glued the figure to a 1" green-primed metal washer with some Aleene's Tacky glue.  I then placed the figure in my painting grip.           
      I knew I wanted to paint it in the silver tones of the figure's movie counterpart, so I began by giving it a base coat of Ceramcoat "White".   When dry, I gave the figure a coat of Citadel Contrast "Black Templar". 
     I let the Contrast paint dry, and then drybrushed the figure with, first, Folk Art Metallics "Gunmetal Grey", and then Ceramcoat "Metallic Silver".
     Next, I did lighter highlights with Reaper MSP "Sparkling Snow", and then some specific highlights with Reaper MSP "Sophie Silver".  After that I painted the eyes, using Crafter's Acrylic "Cool Blue", and adde Americana "Snow White" highlights.  Lastly, I painted the base with Americana "Neutral Grey".  
      I let the figure and base dry overnight and the next day I gave them both a coat of Americana "DuraClear Matte" varnish.   Another overnight dry, and I sprayed the figure with Testor's "Dullcote". 

    This was a quick paint, and I'm really pleased with the results.  Also like how the Contrast paint worked as a base for metallic drybrushing.  It should be good for knights as well.


  1. It’s definitely intended as a not-Metropolis figure. Oddly, while the film is in black and white, I believe the color posters show the robot Maria as gold in color.

    1. Yes, I went back and forth with which version to do. When I Googled images of "Metropolis Robot" it seemed pretty evenly split; including cosplay, commercial figurines, fan art, etc. So I decided on the silver tone to give more of the movie look, and too make it look different from a "Female C-3PO".

    2. Oddly, I hadn’t made that connection before. :P

  2. Turned out really nicely, and an unarmed humanoid has a lot of play options too.

  3. Neat - I dig the black and white inspired look even though I always associate Maria with gold too.
