This past week I painted "Willow Greenivy, Witch" from the Bones 4 Core Set. My temptation with witches is to usually go for a traditional palette of black, purple, maybe green, perhaps red; so I wanted to go a little different with this figure and try something lighter in the "good witch" vein.
I prepped the figure in the usual way, soaking its pieces in a dish of water with a couple drops of dish-soap added, then giving them a light scrub with a soft toothbrush, and then rinsing and drying them. I then glued the hat and hand in the left sleeve, and the staff/wand and hand in the right; both with Gorilla Gel Super Glue. Next I glued the figure to a 1" plastic base with the same glue, and then placed the figure in my painting grip.
I began by painting her face and hands with Reaper MSP "Tanned Skin". I then painted her dress and hat with Americana "Fawn", and her tabard and hat band with Americana "Asphaltum".Next, I painted her hair with Americana "Forest Green", and then did her belt and scabbard with Crafter's Acrylic "Forest Green". After that, I painted her wand/staff with Folk Art "Barn Wood", and the pouch hanging at her side with Ceramcoat "Territorial Beige".
I let everything dry for a while, and then gave her face and hands a coat of Citadel "Reikland Fleshshade" wash. I let that dry, and then gave all her clothing, hair, and accessories a coat of Citadel "Agrax Earthshade" wash. When that was dry, I painted her eyes, using a little of the Americana "Forest Green" as an eyeshadow, and then highlighted her face and hands using the base "Tanned Skin" as well as Reaper MSP "Tanned Highlight". After that, I highlighted her hair with Americana "Festive Green", and then give it a light highlighting with some Folk Art Color Shift "Green Flash".
I then highlighted her dress with the base "Fawn" mixed with increasing amounts of Crafter's Acrylic "Light Antique White". And after that I highlighted her tabard with the base "Asphaltum" mixed with increasing amounts of Folk Art "Teddy Bear Brown". I also highlighted her wand/staff with "Reaper MSP "Graveyard Bone".
Next, I highlighted her scabbard and belt with he base Crafter's Acrylic "Forest Green", and then painted the sword's grip with Folk Art "Hunters Green". I went back and gave the grip a quick highlight with some Apple Barrel "Apple Christmas Green". I then highlighted the pouch with a little Reaper MSP "Olive Skin Highlight", and then some Americana "Antique White".
I then tried the same Citadel Contrast Paint technique on the gemstone in her wand that I had used three weeks ago with great success on the Wizard Arakus Landarzad . I painted the gem with Ceramcoat "White", and then let it dry. When dry, I gave it a coat of Citadel Contrast "Creed Camo". Unfortunately, on such a small and faceted stone, with the interspersed twigs holding it in place, it didn't quite work as well. So, I went back and use a little of the "Festive Green" mixed with some Americana "Snow White" to add some highlighting.
After that I painted the sword hilt, buckle, and coin/tokens hanging from the belt, with Folk Art Brushed Metal "Brushed Bronze". I then went back and highlighted them with Folk Art Metallic "Pure Gold". Lastly, I painted the figure's base with the "Mississippi Mud".
I let the figure dry overnight and the next day I gave it a coat of Americana "DuraClear Matte" varnish. I then used some white glue to glue some fine sand to the base. When the sand was dry, I painted it with a coat of Americana "Charcoal Grey". When this was dry, I drybrushed the sand with the "Mississippi Mud", and then with some Apple Barrel "Rock Grey"; lastly I drybrushed it with a little Americana "Dove Grey". Another overnight dry, and I sprayed the figure with Testor's Dullcote". When the "Dullcote" was dry, I went back and repainted the gem with a little Americana "DuraClear Gloss" varnish.
I'm really pleased with how she turned out. I wish I had had time to do a little trim on her dress, and perhaps a design on her tabard, but in the end I think the plain look doesn't look bad on the figure; perhaps the green hair has enough of a visual impact on its own that she doesn't need fancy clothes. And yes, I did use some green, despite my mental attempt to steer away for colors you usually see on witches. But I kept being drawn to the color...maybe it's because it's in her name!
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