A little while ago I had converted this figure to hold one of the clear weapons from the new clear weapons sprues that I also got in the Bones 3 Kickstarter. You can see the conversion article here: Weapon Conversions. While I don't particularly need the figure to be wielding a magic bow at this point, I saw no reason to be switching the figure back to a standard bow. Who knows, maybe I'll find a magic bow for him to use on one of our Ghost Archipelago expeditions.
I couldn't remember if I already washed the figure before I did the conversion, but assumed I did. So, I went ahead and glued the figure to a white-primed 1.5" fender washer with Aleene's Tacky glue, and then glued the washer-mounted figure to a tongue depressor with a couple drops of the Elmer's glue.
I began by giving the entire model a wash with heavily thinned Reaper MSP "Brown Liner"; and when that was dry, painting his loin armor Black. I then painted his face, ears, and hands with Crafter's Acrylic "Flesh". When the Black was dry, I went back and drybrushed the armor scales with Folk Art Metallics "Gunmetal Grey". I then passed over them with a lighter drybrush of Ceramcoat "Metallic Silver"
Next, I painted his leggings with Americana "Avocado", and then painted his chest and shoulder armor, wrist guards, knee guards, shoes, and the border around his loin armor, all with Citadel 'Snakebite Leather". After that, I painted his shirt with Crafter's Acrylic "Storm Cloud Grey", and then did his cape with Reaper MSP, "Christmas Wreath".
I then painted the body of his quiver with Ceramcoat "Territorial Beige", and did the top and bottom edges with Anita's "Burnt Sienna". I also used the "Burnt Sienna" to paint his dagger sheath, and his belt. Next, I painted the pole above the quiver with Folk Art "Teddy Bear Brown", and then metal point at the end with Accent "Mustard Seed". after that, I painted the fletchings with Folk Art "Barnyard Red", and then went back and painted the metal point n the pole above the quiver with Ceramcoat "Bronze".I painted his hair with Americana "Bittersweet Chocolate", and then let the figure dry for a while. When it was good and dry, I gave the entire a figure, except the loin armor, a wash with Agrax Earthshade" wash. When the wash was dry, I painted his eyes, and then highlighted his skin with a mix of the base "Flash" and White. I also highlighted the hair with Crafter's Edition "Spice Brown", and Americana "Sable Brown".
Next, I highlighted his leggings with a mix of the original "Avocado" and some lighter Americana "Jade Green". I highlighted his shirt after that with some Americana "Dove Grey", and then did his chest and shoulder armor, wrist guards, knee guards, shoes, and the border around his loin armor with the "Mustard Seed". I then did highlights on his cape with Folk Art "Hauser Green Medium". After that, I highlighted the body of the quiver with Americana "Khaki Tan", the top and bottom of the quiver with Crafter's Acrylic "Orange Spice", and the fletchings with Reaper MSP "Holly Berry". I finished up the highlighting by painting the tip of the pole above the quiver with a little Ceramcoat 14K Gold".
I then painted the figures base and the washer with Ceramcoat "Walnut". I let the figure dry overnight and the next day I gave it a coat of Americana "DuraClear Matte" varnish. Then, when the varnish was dry, I used some white glue to flock the base. Another overnight dry, and I sprayed it with Testor's Dullcote".
I'm happy with how the figure turned out. It's not the greatest casting, with some smooshiness in his face and a big mold line running directly across his chest and thigh, but for a gaming figure it's not too bad. The bow fogged a little when I sprayed it, and I could clear it up with a coat of gloss varnish, but I think I like how it looks better this way.